Before series production begins, our components undergo comprehensive simulations and tests. The aim is to achieve optimum endurance and acoustics in practical use. Boysen uses state of the art testing equipment. And if it is not available yet, we develop it ourselves - for example our control optimised hot gas generator, which allows engine independent testing. This saves our customers valuable time - and costs.
Our endurance testing condenses ten years into just a few weeks. Or we deliberately look for limits. Vibrations, acoustics, response time - Boysen engineers think of everything: how do you achieve an even flow to the catalytic converter? What does the exhaust gas flow look like during a charge cycle, depending on the speed? Our prototypes can tell stories. And we understand them.
3D computer tomography system
Test benches for the testing of hydrogen tank systems
Filter efficiency measurements; Synthesis gas test bench for engine-independent emission tests
State-of-the-art emissions measurement technology
3D printing technology for component production
Construction of new BIN Boysen Innovation Centre Nagold with ten testing facilities - primarily for the commercial vehicle sector.
Test rig for dynamic residual heat use
Test rig for emission components with controllable temperature increase
Dynamic hot gas test rig for close coupled exhaust components
Heat transfer test rig
Construction of new test building 3
Dynamic preliminary development test rig
Exhaust analysis technology for SCR
Expansion of engine test rigs for dynamic driving cycles
Hot gas blowing technology
Load unit for exhaust gas turbocharger with hot gas simulation
Hot gas generator for engine independent temperature situations on components
Construction of new test building 2 with innovative test rig technology
Acoustic roller dynamometer for all-wheel drive vehicles
Thermography, mobile temperature measurement
Appraisal database as expert system
Psycho acoustics
(sound lab)
Construction of computer-based simulation technology
Modal analysis
Testing options for all parameters relevant for components
Endurance test rigs
Construction of new test building 1
Acoustic testing on engine and vehicle
Operational deflection shape analysis
First endurance and acoustic test rig
First test rig for silencers