As a foundation company, Boysen always considers conservation of the natural world and the quality of life of future generations. Our stated corporate objective is: "Protect, maintain and shape the environment". From this we derive our three environmental principles.
This is demonstrated by Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG's, BAA Boysen Abgassysteme Achim GmbH & Co. KG's, BAK Boysen Abgaskomponenten GmbH & Co. KG's and BAP Boysen Abgassysteme Plauen GmbH & Co. KG's continuously optimised environmental management system, which are certified in compliance with the international standard ISO 14001, and are validated and registered under the European Union's environment programme EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). A key element of our participation in EMAS is the creation and publication of an environmental declaration. This sets out in detail our environment-related activities along with corresponding environmental data, such as resource and energy consumption. Our environmental officer will be happy to provide a printed copy on request. Some examples are briefly outlined below:
The Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG EMAS logo documents the continuous improvement of our environmental performance and the consistent involvement of all employees
CO2-optimised "Turmfeld" production plant in Altensteig - uses solar and geothermal energy, natural cooling and waste heat recovery from welding gas extraction systems
Partnership-based collaboration in the advance development project INES (innovative pre-turbo SCR concepts with a "zero impact" approach) funded by the German government
Internal development projects in the field of liquid-battery energy storage systems and in the areas of hydrogen, fuel-cell technology and synthetic fuels
Foundation-based funding of research projects in environmental technology - with an annual subsidy amount of approximately one million Euro for projects at the University of Stuttgart, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Dresden University of Technology